Minimaxx Wheelchair

Minimaxx Wheelchair

Superb bariatric wheelchair for 2023, comfortable, folding, strongly engineered and functionally designed exclusively for bariatric users !

Bariatric Wheelchair

The Minimaxx wheelchair is a breakthrough in professional bariatric mobility

Designed and built by Cobi Rehab of Denmark, the XXL-Rehab Minimaxx is a 'folding' heavy duty wheelchair, easy to use, safe and ergonomically comfortable

The Minimaxx folding system is simple to activate, plus the special modern design provides added extra strength to support the seat base safely

The folding design allows the wheelchair to remain rigid – and when unfolded, the bariatric wheelchair is much more stable than standard folding bariatric wheelchairs

Value and more

Minimaxx value for money

The Minimaxx bariatric wheelchair is approved for use by the NHS, hospitals, care organisations, charities and private individuals

The Minimaxx heavy duty wheelchair is fully warranted and available in a range of sizes with additional user options. The Minimaxx is an impressive 'value' solution in bariatric mobility !

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